Things I See Around Town

Leroy Fox is a popular restaurant in Charlotte. On the wall of its al fresco dining area, I noticed this attractive wall hanging.


It’s nice to see these live succulents displayed in this way. This restaurant is popular with families with kids. Could something like this spark an interest in gardening by the parents? Could a child ask questions about such an unusual display of plants and find a lifelong interest? Kudos to the management of Leroy Fox.

About johnvic8

John Viccellio retired after 24 years in the U. S. Navy and began to dig into gardening when he could finally land in one place. He completed the Master Gardener course in 1992 and has since designed and constructed two of his own gardens. He wrote a monthly garden column for ten years and was a regular contributor to Carolina Gardener magazine. John published his first book, Guess What's in My Garden!, in 2014. He lives in a retirement community in Matthews, NC.
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10 Responses to Things I See Around Town

  1. A very cool example of vertical gardening.


  2. Noell Schepp says:

    Just two streets over from our house. Let me know when you and Tucker are back in the neighborhood.
    Why don’t you put your blog on the CGC website. You are a delight.


  3. sueturner31 says:

    Now I really like this …. going to have to find some way of using this idea… 🙂


  4. johnvic8 says:

    Thanks, Sue. It’s fun to do. Hope you will try.


  5. A few of those are around here. Buffalo gardeners have caught onto vertical gardening.


  6. johnvic8 says:

    They are fun to do, Donna. You should try one.


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