Wordless Wednesday: Carolina Jessamin


Carolina Jessamin (Gelsimium sempervirens)


About johnvic8

John Viccellio retired after 24 years in the U. S. Navy and began to dig into gardening when he could finally land in one place. He completed the Master Gardener course in 1992 and has since designed and constructed two of his own gardens. He wrote a monthly garden column for ten years and was a regular contributor to Carolina Gardener magazine. John published his first book, Guess What's in My Garden!, in 2014. He lives in a retirement community in Matthews, NC.
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12 Responses to Wordless Wednesday: Carolina Jessamin

  1. Laurin Lindsey says:

    Such fun flowers, worth the yearly wait. I was just thinking about blogging about ours : )


  2. johnvic8 says:

    This one has survived our weather fairly well.


  3. All those blooms backed up by winter trees. Nice.


  4. Christina says:

    Lovely, and I love how the arch gives a glimpse of the urn beyond, great design.


  5. I love that bright yellow against the green. It looks great over the arch.


  6. We don’t even have yellow daffodils here in the Rockies. Snow is melting, though, and revealing ground. Is that a little buggy, maybe a moth, in the greenery?


  7. Oh, what a beauty! And how great that it blooms in February!


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