Wordless Wednesday: Cause for Early February Smiles!


About johnvic8

John Viccellio retired after 24 years in the U. S. Navy and began to dig into gardening when he could finally land in one place. He completed the Master Gardener course in 1992 and has since designed and constructed two of his own gardens. He wrote a monthly garden column for ten years and was a regular contributor to Carolina Gardener magazine. John published his first book, Guess What's in My Garden!, in 2014. He lives in a retirement community in Matthews, NC.
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24 Responses to Wordless Wednesday: Cause for Early February Smiles!

  1. Liz says:

    We haven’t had much winter in NY, but I am craving spring. Sorry, winter I know it’s unfair. I just love foliage that much.


  2. Wow. Where do you live, John.


  3. johnvic8 says:

    Charlotte, NC. That stand of daffodils has reliably bloomed in Jan or Feb for at least 13 years. Wish I knew what the variety is.


  4. Cathy says:

    Lovely! Made me smile too! 🙂


  5. Christina says:

    Daffodils always make me smile. Thank for sharing them John.


  6. Beautiful Okame cherries. Ours are just beginning to show color. I was in Columbia, SC, on Monday and Tuesday and it looked like spring there. The tulip magnolias were blooming, for goodness sake!


  7. Susi Lovell says:

    What a treat! A break from all the white outside my window.


  8. We got two feet of snow today.


  9. bittster says:

    What a sight! I far prefer your winter garden to mine, but the anticipation is always part of the excitement.


  10. So beautiful! All we have so far are the first nubs of the snowdrops coming up out of the ground.


  11. Liesbet says:

    Such a beautiful time of the year… As long as it starts to warm up, right? 🙂


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