In a Vase on Monday: Chaste Tree

I look forward to June each year as a time when my chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus) comes into bloom. My unidentified heirloom variety is approaching full bloom.

It seems to be a promising choice for In a Vase on Monday. The blue vase is one we purchased in Japan all those many years ago and has stayed with us over five moves.

Last winter I pruned the vitex heavily and it has responded with vigorous new growth. It promises to be a banner year. One of the wonderful attributes of this plant is that it responds so well to deadheading. If I can get up high enough (my Arranger has strict rules to keep me low on the ladder) to remove the spent flowers, it will rebloom completely. That is a winner; it came from a second generation cutting from my aunt and was originally in my grandmother’s garden.

The bees love it as much as I do.

Please visit Cathy at Rambling in the Garden to see what she and others have put in their vases this week.

About johnvic8

John Viccellio retired after 24 years in the U. S. Navy and began to dig into gardening when he could finally land in one place. He completed the Master Gardener course in 1992 and has since designed and constructed two of his own gardens. He wrote a monthly garden column for ten years and was a regular contributor to Carolina Gardener magazine. John published his first book, Guess What's in My Garden!, in 2014. He lives in a retirement community in Matthews, NC.
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22 Responses to In a Vase on Monday: Chaste Tree

  1. Anne M Bray says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of these! Does it have a scent?


  2. John what a magnificent tree and how gorgeous in the vase….makes quite a statement in the garden and vase.


  3. dennyho says:

    This reminds me of a cross between a lilac and butterfly bush. It is lovely and how long do the cut stems last?


  4. Cathy says:

    It’s lovely John! Even nicer since it stems from your grandmother’s tree. Looks great in your Japanese vase. 🙂


  5. updownflight says:

    I agree that that is lovely.

    I know how pruning does wonders. My husband prunes our dwarf lilac and it goes crazy with new shoots and flowers.


  6. pbmgarden says:

    Your vitex is beautiful.


  7. Annette says:

    So do I, John, and yours is the finest specimen I’ve ever seen. Lovely in the vase too 🙂


  8. Christina says:

    Your lovely tree fills me with happy memories of my trip to the US two years ago. My dirty white variety needs some tough treatment I will have to prune it. When did you prune it; can you maybe write about pruning it when you do so then I’ll do mine, Thanks


  9. Looks wonderful! I wonder how it got that common name?


  10. Somnath says:

    Impressive pictures and some which I have’nt seen in my life and in my country but heard of…


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