Weekly Photo Challenge: WAITING

“Will you walk into my parlour?” said the Spider to the Fly…”

The spider spent all its effort in building an elaborate web. Now all it has to do is spend a nice afternoon In the Garden, just waiting for that fly.

The opening line is from the poem, The Spider and the Fly, written by Mary Howitt in 1838.


About johnvic8

John Viccellio retired after 24 years in the U. S. Navy and began to dig into gardening when he could finally land in one place. He completed the Master Gardener course in 1992 and has since designed and constructed two of his own gardens. He wrote a monthly garden column for ten years and was a regular contributor to Carolina Gardener magazine. John published his first book, Guess What's in My Garden!, in 2014. He lives in a retirement community in Matthews, NC.
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16 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge: WAITING

  1. Roda says:

    What a beautiful orb spider! She is just lovely!🕷🕸🕷


  2. macmsue says:

    Excellent choice for the topic and a lovely photo too.


  3. Pingback: Waiting: seals | What's (in) the picture?

  4. Elizabeth says:

    Oh Wow! Spiders and I never did get along well, but that one is incredible! Ugh!


  5. pbmgarden says:

    Great photo. I came across one of these too this summer. Always a bit of a shock.


  6. Shibin Dinesh says:

    Lovely! Waiting by laying the trap!


  7. This is an incredible capture! I can just about reach out and touch ….


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