In a Vase on Monday: Callas

Several years ago we hosted a ceremony in our garden for the Renewal of Marriage Vows by our dear friends, Gina and John. They gave us a pot of calla lilies as a thank you, and my Arranger and I remember them and their day when the calla lilies bloom. The lilies have spread and given us some beautiful flowers to include in this Monday’s Vase.


I love this color pink; I am going to have to find more of these lilies for our garden.


DSCN2413Sometimes I think our garden is being ransacked by rabbits and deer. The damage is daily, visible, and widespread. My Arranger suggested that we add the blue and white rabbit to the arrangement as a token of its presence in the garden this week. At least this one is not predatory.

Please visit Cathy at Rambling in the Garden to see what beautiful things she and so many others who are following her meme are including in their vases this Monday.

About johnvic8

John Viccellio retired after 24 years in the U. S. Navy and began to dig into gardening when he could finally land in one place. He completed the Master Gardener course in 1992 and has since designed and constructed two of his own gardens. He wrote a monthly garden column for ten years and was a regular contributor to Carolina Gardener magazine. John published his first book, Guess What's in My Garden!, in 2014. He lives in a retirement community in Matthews, NC.
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29 Responses to In a Vase on Monday: Callas

  1. pbmgarden says:

    The porcelain rabbit is the best kind to have. Your callas are a lovely shade of pink. I would like to try growing them.


    • johnvic8 says:

      Eating breakfast this morning on the porch, I watch a small rabbit feasting on a coneflower. Woe, woe, woe! Callas are quite easy to grow. Stick them in the ground and they seem to well with no help from me.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Bec says:

    this lovely – a very simple but stylish arrangement…. and the colour combinations are lovely – and a cute bunny too…


  3. I have long admired calla lilies but do not have much luck with them even as an annual. My neighbor loves them and overwinters bulbs so he can grow them in pots….how he would love to see them growing every year in his garden….my rabbits are doing well eating the clover I let grow in my back gardens which they frequent. They seem to prefer it to any other plants which is lucky for them….living in such a wild area we had to come up with some ideas to thwart them…..apparently the Amish plant clover to draw the rabbits away from flowers and veggie beds.


  4. Cathy says:

    A very elegant flower John. And I do like your rabbit!


  5. Cathy says:

    What a beautiful shade of pink, John – I am not sure that these cannas would grow outside in the UK but I might be wrong. And I am so sorry that you have deer and rabbit problems – although I like your token blue & white version, which is rather more acceptable. Thanks to you and the Arranger for arranging and sharing today


  6. Such a beautiful combination.


  7. Your beautiful rabbit makes me smile, John. Our resident rabbit greets me nearly every time I head out to the garden these days. I don’t notice his damage; the deer are another story entirely. Suddenly, they’re everywhere! Lovely Callas, and a soft pink like the inside of a Conch shell. I hope you find more, and if you do, please tell me where you find them. I grow Callas in pots, bringing them in each winter. I would love some hardy ones in that lovely shade. Kudos to your arranger yet again. WG


  8. johnvic8 says:

    Thanks, I will check them out.


  9. Eliza Waters says:

    Your callas are so beautiful, what a lovely color. They are such a great, long-lasting cut-flower. I own a similar vase! Blue compliments all colors, doesn’t it?


  10. Beautiful lilies and I like the combo with the blue vase. Cute rabbit. I have some rabbit statues too, the best kind to have. No fur or chewing parts!


  11. i have never seen Arum lilies in this lovely shade of pink. Very pretty.


  12. There’s something about Calla lilies that seems very mysterious to me, but I can’t explain it. Yours are beautiful.


  13. jennavive72 says:

    I am currently growing my first Calla Lily! I got it as a bulb in a kit for Easter present and I have been blogging its progress. Feel free to check it out my blog and see! It’s great to connect with others that share a love of flowers! 🙂


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